A Collaborative Organization - Promoted and Supported by Artistic Minds®

Artistic Therapeutics®

We welcome all those who want to learn more about Artistic Therapeutics® ~ which combines artistic and therapeutic treatment strategies.

We are an Organization comprised of Artistic Therapists, Art Therapists, Artists of various creative forms, new & emerging artists, aspiring artists, Arts Educators, as well as seasoned and accomplished Artists.

Our Organization is also comprised of Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Art Therapy students, and Professionals involved with the
HEALING & THERAPEUTIC ARTS: including, (but not limited to) alternative medicine, holistic health, and spiritual & emotional wellness (this includes Pastorial care).

Members of our Organization develop, coordinate, and assist in Research Studies and Collaborative Projects. We have Professional Instructors who educate and inform others concerning Artistic Therapeutics®, which combines artistic and therapeutic treatment strategies to bring about the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness of the participant(s).

Artistic Therapeutics® also involves expansion of the diagnostic frame through structured artistic and therapeutic individual, group and family classes/courses/sessions.

The artistic therapeutic process allows and/or affords the dialogue of inner imagery to access the emotions and gain the ability to obtain realization of possible conflicts and destructive behavior patterns through the study of the imagery that is brought forth from the participant via psychodynamic processes. The creative process of creating artistic works via painting, drawing, music, dance, mixed-media works, literary creations, and other forms of artistic creation enables the psychodynamics process to bring forth the inner imagery, thereby making it visible so that treatment may take place and healing may transpire.

The artworks created by participants also serve as a starting point for individual, group, and family therapy. The artworks created form the basis for assessment of the participants' progress throughout the artistic-therapeutic process. The artistic-therapeutic process is documented and utilized for clinical research and
private personal case studies. The participant is involved in the documentation process, and no personal information is released or shared in group settings without the participant's permission. Private Journals are maintained by each participant documenting the artistic therapeutic process.

We discuss artistic therapeutic techniques, creative artistic techniques, new & emerging art forms, as well as mental, spiritual, emotional and physical issues that Artistic Therapeutics® can address.
Journals are a must!

You can also visit us at SuperLife:

Artistic Therapeutics® Superlife Group

Additional LINKS listed at the bottom of this BLOG. Sites/Groups/Media Newslines/BLOGS and Research Journal LINKS are being updated for the year 2012.

Be sure to check back often!

Artistic Therapeutics® BLOGGER

WE use MUSIC as a therapeutic means to create our artistic works. WE appreciate all of your comments. Do tell us what type of music you work best with while creating your artworks.


"Always Collaborating and Creating!"

What Artistic Therapeutics® means to us . . . [Written by ARTISTIC MINDS®]

Artistic Minds® is an Association and Community of Artistic Minds®. Our MISSION is to come together to educate others with regard to the ARTS, and inform others of the healing and therapeutic power of imagery and the creative art process.

The CREATIVE ARTS (in their various forms) serve as a therapeutic means by which to better understand ourselves, each other, and the world around us. The CREATIVE ARTS serve to inspire, encourage, and develop latent God-given gifts and talents that have yet to be fully discovered by many gifted and talented individuals.

Together, Artistic Minds® (as an Educational Artists Association dedicated to the furthering of the creative ARTS & the visual ARTS) and Artistic Therapeutics® (an Organization dedicated to the promotion and further study of the healing and therapeutic effects of the ARTS upon individuals, groups, families, communities and organizations) forms an emerging new collaborative that focuses on holistic health and wellness.

Artistic Minds® supports and promotes the collaborative study of Artistic Therapeutics®.

We collaborate with other artists, experts, specialists, professionals, educators, and students via discussions, clinical research studies and collaborative projects. We keep an eye on new developments in the field of Artistic Therapeutics®. Further exploration, study and collaborative projects relative to Artistic Therapeutics® is one of our main focal points for 2010 - 2012.
©Copyright ~ Artistic Minds® ~ 2007-2012

SPECIAL NOTES: By way of the Visual Arts and the study of Christian Scripture, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of Art, the Word, the Bible, themselves, others, and the world in which they live.

We ARTISTIC MINDS® believe that visual art is a therapeutic tool worthy of deeper exploration by those who appreciate ART, those who seek to study the Word of God on another level, those who wish to learn more about themselves, and those who have yet to discover the depth of their artistic gifts and talents.

Get involved and keep up with our progress on both BLOGS:

Artistic Minds® promoting and supporting . . .
Artistic Therapeutics®

Artistic Therapeutics® BLOGSPOT:

Artistic Minds® BLOGSPOT

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Artistic Therapeutics by Rene Allen (Rene the Artist)

Artistic Therapeutics®

by Rene Allen

MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2017 ~ Gardening of the Soul
FOCUS:  Visual Imagery of what captivates your soul.
In your daily living certain events will bring about memories from the past at times ~ journal those moments...
Be aware of when events in your life trigger past memories
(rather good or bad; pleasant or unpleasant)
And in that moment as you journal the event and experience,
create a new image with your camera or cell phone, and add it to your Journal.
This Journal Project is about tilling the Garden of your soul.

[ Be sure to check back for updates! ]

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